Hughes Amateur Radio Club Logo
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Humidity: 93%

Hughes Amateur Radio Club

Who We Are

We are a community of Amateur radio operators who are dedicated to providing public service.

Upcoming Events

Date - Time | Event

  • Oct 09 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Oct 16 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Oct 22 - 12 noon | Meeting
  • Oct 23 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Oct 30 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Nov 06 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Nov 13 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Nov 19 - 12 noon | Meeting
  • Nov 20 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Nov 27 - 7:30 p.m. | Net
  • Dec 04 - 7:30 p.m. | Net


Club Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
TIME: Noon – Gather 11:45 - Meeting 12:00 to 1:00 (to help setup 11:30 am)
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access alley east of Main St. – Enter through the door off of the Parking Lot.

    The Spectrum Analyzer
Doug, K6JEY

Order of Business:
10:45 – Gathering time: Masonic Center (to help setup – 10:30)
11:00 - The Meeting is called to Order.
12:30 – Meeting Room must be put in order and clean

Club Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, August 20, 2024
TIME: Noon – Gather 11:45 - Meeting 12:00 to 1:00 (to help setup 11:30 am)
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access alley east of Main St. – Enter through the door off of the Parking Lot.

    End-Fed HF Antennas-
Help Hams to Transition from Tech to HF
By Bill, W6QR

Order of Business:
10:45 – Gathering time: Masonic Center (to help setup – 10:30)
11:00 - The Meeting is called to Order.
12:30 – Meeting Room must be put in order and clean

Club Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
TIME: Noon – Gather 11:45 - Meeting 12:00 to 1:00 (to help setup 11:30 am)
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access alley east of Main St. – Enter through the door off of the Parking Lot.

  • 1. Elect officers
  • 2. Dues increase

Field Day Planning

10:45 – Gathering time: Masonic Center (to help setup – 10:30)
11:00 - The Meeting is called to Order.
12:30 – Meeting Room must be put in order and clean

Club Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, April 16, 2024
TIME: Noon – Gather 11:45 - Meeting 12:00 to 1:00 (to help setup 11:30 am)
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access alley east of Main St. – Enter through the door off of the Parking Lot.

Ham Radio : Ham Radio Test Equipment Presentation
by Dr. Doug Milar, K6JEY
10:45 – Gathering time: Masonic Center (to help setup – 10:30)
11:00 - The Meeting is called to Order.
12:30 – Meeting Room must be put in order and clean

Presentation from March Meeting

Here is the presentation from the March meeting: HF Operating Getting on the HF Bands

Club Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, December 19, 2023
TIME: Noon – Gather 11:45 - Meeting 12:00 to 1:00 (to help setup 11:30 am)
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access alley east of Main St. – Enter through the door off of the Parking Lot.
Christmas Meeting
Slides on a good Antenna for a Tribander HT
[That costs less than the HT]
Door Prizes: Dual Band HT
Bottle of Zinfandel, Sextant, 2019
Order of Business:
10:45 – Gathering time: Masonic Center (to help setup – 10:30)
11:00 - The Meeting is called to Order.
12:30 – Meeting Room must be put in order and clean

ARRL 10 Meter Contest Dec. 9th & 10th

ARRL 10 Meter Contest Dec. 9th & 10th (Start is Fri the 8th at 4:00 PM PST) This is a great contest for our club members because ALL licensed Club members can participate.

All members: Novice, Technician, General, Advanced and Extra Class can operate SSB Phone on 10 Meters from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz. Also CW, RTTY and Data from 28.0 to 28.3.

Objective: For Amateurs Local & WorldWide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 Meter band.

A 10M Antenna is smallish – 8 ft. - 3inches (or 98) inches for the low end of 10 meters. It’s easy to put up a temporary one while hanging the Christmas lights. But plan to assemble it a weekend or two before, so it’s ready to go.

It can be exciting. Every new State, Province or DXCC entity is a multiplier. International contacts are a very real possibility with only a modest vertical antenna and 100 watts. If you use a logging program it calculates your score in real time, which makes it a lot more fun.

The rules say, you can operate for only 36 of the 48 hours, But in reality, 2 or 3 hours Friday afternoon/evening and 2 or 3 hours on Saturday morning and again in the afternoon and same on Sunday is about it. I operate for a couple hours during the Gray line (sunrise and sunset, and then check every once in a while during the day to see if there is an opening. So that means there is plenty of time for meals, errands and chores. Ten meters is dead at night, so you can get a good night’s sleep too.

The start is 4 PM Friday, Dec. 8 PST [0000 Saturday, Dec. 9, UTC] and ends Sunday, Dec 10, 3:59 PST [2359 UTC] There may be some local action on Friday from 4 PM, to about 9 PM, as locals check their station out. A Gray line opening is possible, as the sun sets. Club members should meet about 8 PM at 28.400 +/- QRM for radio checks and to work each other for the California state multiplier. These local contacts count the same as rare DX.

EXCHANGE: The information exchange is pretty simple: 

      USA, Mexico and Canada:  Signal report RS(T) and state or province. Example  “You are 5x9 in CA”
      DX stations: Signal Report RS(T) and a serial Number (1, 2, 3, . . . . )  Example  “Please copy 5x9” #251
      Maritime Mobile stations; RS(T) and their Region (R1, R2 or R3)


Scoring:           Two-way Phone QSO:  2 points

                        Two-way   CW   QSO:  4 points


Multipliers:  (counted once on Phone and again on CW)

                        Each USA and Mexican state and each Canadian Province

                        Each DXCC country (but, of course, not the USA, Mexico or Canada)

                        ITU regions (maritime mobiles only)


Final Score: Multiply QSO points by the sum of all States, provinces, DXCC countries & ITU Regions. 

A logging program will do the calculation which makes this simple and more fun.

Log submission deadline: Logs are due within SEVEN (7) days after the event is over.

Everything you need is available at:

Logging software makes it more fun and less work:

N3FJP ($8.99): (Life time, including updates)

N1MM is Free:

However, a paper log works fine too, but then you do need to get it into the Cabrillo form for submittal.

ARRL Affiliated Clubs “Gavel” Competition (a Contest within the contest) Members submit their scores as usual, being sure to indicate their Club's Name (Hughes Amateur Radio Club) on the submittal. [Minimum of three (3) club member entries are needed]

A club officer submits the Calls and location (Grid Square) of members in good standing, prior to the contest.

The ARRL combines the members’ scores to determine which club wins the ‘Gavel’ competition.

There are three Categories: Unlimited, Medium and Local

Unlimited: 51 members submit logs and reside inside a 175 mile radius – This is NOT us.

Medium: 50 or fewer log submitted and reside within a 175 mile radius – This is NOT us.

Local: 10 or less logs submitted [minimum is three (3)] in 35 mi radius (or one ARRL section) – This is US.

Good luck! And let me know if you plan to send in a log, or have paid dues recently. I have to send in all the names and calls, in good standing, BEFORE the contest starts. I can update the list up until the contest starts – Friday, Dec 8, 4:00 PST [Dec 10 @ 0000 UTC].

Need help with an antenna. I have the makings of two or three 10 meter vertical antennas.

You need an HF radio: I have an extra, and the club also has one that could be checked out for the contest.

Plenty of Coax is also available.

Also, the Station Manager, Mike, N6MHD will set up a Club Station in the Raytheon Employees Park, if interest is expressed

You belong to a club – Make use of its resources!

Good Hunting!

Dale, WB6MMQ
Secretary, Hughes ARC

Next Club Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023
TIME: Noon - Gather Meeting 12:00 to 1:00 (setup at 11:30)

Next Club Meeting

520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245

Parking: Access via alley East of Main St.
Enter through door off the below grade Parking Lot.


                QUANSHENG – The Boafeng Killer
                       By Michael Aust


Aug. 19, 12:30 p.m.

QST QST QST Hughes Amateur Radio Club Meeting & Outdoor gatheringi


            DATE: Saturday,  August 19, 2023
            TIME: Gather 10:30 - Meeting 12:30 to 1:30                               
            LOCATION: Raytheon Employees Park  (Near the intersection of PCH and El Segundo Blvd)

            ACCESS to park: Turn East off PCH on to El Segundo – Turn Right into a Raytheon Driveway.
            At the Kiosk, Show ID (driver’s license) and indicate you are going to the employee’s park.
            Continue down the Road way to the Right.
            The Employee’s park will be on your Right – Tennis courts and such.
            100yard or so farther on, Park your car on the left and walk into the park on the right.
            Note:  If you bring anything substantial to carry, a hand Truck of Wagon is a good idea.

            Note:   The El Segundo Masonic Center is Refurbishing their hall during the month of August. 
            Activities:  Antenna Demo – 40 -10M Delta Loop 
            Radios:  Icom 7100 and/or 7300 
            Demo of a WSPR Beason is a possibility   

            Order of Business:    
            10:30 – Gathering time:   (Mike Darling, N6MHD will be there at this time)
            12:00 – Lunch is served   (BBQ Hot Dogs etc. – Coordinate any additional food with Mike (see email below)
            12:30 - The Meeting is called to Order.                            Also fast Food is also nearby.
            1:30  - The Meeting is adjourned
            4:00 –  Park must be vacated

Dues are due!

Next Club Meeting

Note new meeting Location!

520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245

Parking: Access via alley East of Main St.
Enter through door off the below grade Parking Lot.

Jul. 18, 11:45 a.m.

Dues are due!


Field Day Debrief

Field Day 2023

Field Day Rules


  • Preliminary Setup: Friday, June 23 - 10:00 a.m. until approximatley 1:00 p.m.
  • Continue Setup: Saturday, June 24: 8:00 a.m.
  • Begin Field Day: Saturday, June 24: 11:00 a.m.
  • Field Day Ends: Sunday, June 25: 11:00 a.m.
  • Field Day Breakdown: Sunday, June 25, 11:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m.
  • Philosophy: Keep it simple and have FUN!

  • We will be classified as 3A (Three simultaneous HF stations - Emergency power)
    • 10m/40m - Band Captain: Richard, KM6FP
    • 15m - Band Captain: Dale, WB6MMQ
    • 20m - Band Captain: Brian, AB6UI

  • GOTA (Get On The Air): - Band co-captains: Dick, W1MII - Bill
  • VHF/UHF - Band Captain: Howard, KE6MAK
  • Information Officer: Alice
  • Computers/Network: Betty, N6VZF
  • Training Class: Betty, N6VZF (Software)
  • Safety Officer: Bob, N6QA
  • Coffee: Brian, AB6UI
  • Food Captain: Kim

Next Club Meeting

Program: Field Day
  • Setup Friday, June 23 am
  • Final Set up Saturday am – Ops starts 11:00
  • Sunday, Ops Ends 11:00 am, Pack up starts Sunday 3:00 PM we are out of the park
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access via alley East of Main St.
Enter through door off the below grade Parking Lot.

Jun. 20, 11:45 a.m.

Next Club Meeting

  • Field Day Planning
  • Club Officer Elections
520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245
Parking: Access via alley East of Main St.
Enter through door off the below grade Parking Lot.

May. 16, 11:45 a.m.

Program: In Search of “Optimized” Mag-Loop by John, K6NBC

Show and Tell: Mike, WB6DJI, will bring a Mag-Loop antenna

Rick, N6IET, will discuss 'Minimizing SWR' using Single and Double Loops

Next Club Meeting

Note new meeting Location!

520 Main Street, El Segundo, Ca 90245

Parking: Access via alley East of Main St.
Enter through door off the below grade Parking Lot.

Feb. 21, 11:45 a.m.
Program: EME - Earth - Moon - Earth Communications
Dwayne, AB6A
Presentation is located here.

Ham Radio News Piece

Spruce Goose HK-1 Flying Boat Special Event

October 29 - November 6, 2022
Click here for details

Sign up for Amazon Smile and help with donations for our club.

Check it out here

2022 Field Day Results

Check it out here

2022 W6HA Satellite Station works the International Space Station

With less than 5 minutes left in a 24 hour contest, the W6HA satellite team AB6UI & WA6NVL had yet to make a satellite QSO. At 10:57 AM PDT we did it with authority and talked to the ISS!
Check it out here

Field Day Countdown

Club Meeting

Program: Planning for the next two months
I. Open nominations from the Floor for May Officers Election
II. SAMO100 Plans
III. Field Day
IV. Presentation of new LOGOs

A day in the park - Build your own antenna

Balloon Tracking

To track the balloon referenced by AB6UI: Go to Then select 24 hours (for example), enter the callsign KK6BJ in txcall and click Search now... This will select contacts made in the last 24 hours. You can also select "map".

Club Meeting

11:45 a.m. Feb. 15, 2022
            YouTube Video – 2 Meter Moxon Antenna 
                        Also, Info on an ARRL Kit to build a 2 Meter Moxon

Sean O’Brian 50/50 Race Support

Feb. 5, 2022

            The Sean O’Brian 50/50 is centered on the Malibu
            Creek Campground State Park. It is two ultra-marathon
            races on the same course w/staggered start times.
            They are a 100 kilometer (60 mile) and a 50 mile
            trail run. The Aid Stations (AS) are all several
            miles apart, so our support is to help check that all
            the runners are accounted for at each AS and
            finally, at the Finish amd to communicate any
            issues to the race director.
            Volunteer communicators from several clubs
            support the race communications which is
            coordinated by the Hughes ARC.
            The Club sets up its portable repeater high on the
            Castro Motor Way ridge, providing communica-
            tions from the Start-Finish and NCS on one side of
            the ridge to the Aid Stations, most of which are on
            the other side of the ridge.
            Club members and others interested in
            volunteering should contact Dale, WB6MMQ.
            Dale, WB6MMQ
            Race Coordinator, Hughes ARC
            See current Newsletter for contact information.

Current Conditions

Spruce Goose Operations

© Copyright 2021-2024 Hughes Amateur Radio Club