Hughes Amateur Radio Club Logo
Current weather in El Segundo
Temperature: 72°
Humidity: 79%


Why Become a Member?

Obtaining membership in an organization, any organization, shows support for that organization. The Hughes Amateur Radio Club is dedicated to supporting the community by providing various services. When one joins the club, they show their support for providing that service.

Community Support that we Proivide

  • Occasionally provide sixteen hour classes to enable anyone interested in amateur radio to obtain their FCC Technician Class Amateur License.
  • Proivide communications for various foot races in the local area
    • The Manhattan Beach Homefair 10k
    • The Sean O'Brien 100k/50M

Who can Join?

Anyone, including all radio amateurs, their families and really anyone interested in ham radio.


  • $20 - Full Membership
  • $15 - Retiree
  • $15 - Associate (non-licensed)
  • $5 - Family member
  • There is also a $5 initiation fee to help defray the cost of making a badge
  • Dues are due July 1, and are prorated after Jan. 1, the following year.
Membership Application

When do we meet?

Although we get together on the repeater at various times, we have two times of interest. The official club meeting is typically held on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:45 a.m. There is also a gathering every Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. on the repeater.

© Copyright 2021-2024 Hughes Amateur Radio Club