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Field Day

Field Day 2022

The next Field Day is scheduled for June 24, 2023.

Field Day

Field Day is an event sponsored by the ARRL for the purpose of sharing with the general public, the hobby of amateur radio. It is held yearly in the fourth week of June. More than 40,000 amateur radio operators all across North America (and occasionally, the world) gather to demonstrate to the general public what ham radio is. We demonstrate our commitment to public service, emergency preparedness, and technical radio skills for a continuous two-day experience.

Field Day Results 2022

Call Used: W6HA   GOTA Station Call: KW6KIM     ARRL/RAC Section: LAX     Class: 3A
Participants: 21  Club/Group Name: Hughes Amateur Radio Club
Power Source(s): Generator, Solar
Power Multiplier: 2X
Preliminary Total Score: 2,658

Bonus Points:
  100% emergency power                            300
  Media Publicity                                 100 - File [Easy Reader.jpg] previously uploaded
  Public location                                 100
  Public information table                        100 - File [InfoTable_Alice_KK6MFL.jpg] previously uploaded
  Formal message to ARRL SM/SEC                   100 - File [ARRLMessage_AI6DF.doc] previously uploaded
  W1AW Field Day message                          100 - File [FD Message 2022.rtf] previously uploaded
  Formal messages handled (10 x 10, max of 100)   100 - Documented by NTSMessages.pdf
  Natural power QSOs completed                    100 - File [Solar.jpg] previously uploaded
  Site visit by invited elected official          100
  Site visit by invited served agency             100
  Educational activity                            100
  Youth participation (1 x 20, max of 100)         20
  Safety officer                                  100 - File [SafetyCheck_w6ha.pdf] previously uploaded
  Social media                                    100
  Satellite QSO                                   100
  GOTA Station                                     80
  Entry submitted via web                          50
Total bonus points                              1,750

Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: W6HA_DupeSheet.doc)
                  CW  Digital  Phone  Total
   Total QSOs      5      0     444
 Total Points     10      0     444    454   Claimed Score=(QSO points x power mult) = 908

Submitted by: Betty Barch, N6VZF

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
               CW          Digital      Phone
            QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)
       80m                               2   100 
       40m                              63   100 
       20m                             173   100 
       15m                              51   100 
        6m                               5     5 
        2m                              53     5 
       432                              35     5 
 Satellite                               1     5 
      GOTA     5   100                  61   100 
     TOTAL     5            0          444

GOTA Bonus: GOTA Coach - Double Bonus Points
Name/Call              QSOs  Bonus Points
Mike, WB6DJI            21        40
Kim, KW6KIM             37        40
William age 7, (NONE)    2         0
Phil, K6PNJ              5         0
Dahlia, (NONE)           1         0

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